Paper Submission Guidelines 1. General Requirements Language: EnglishLength: 6,000–8,000 words (including references, tables, and figures).Format: Microsoft Word (.docx) or LaTeX (.tex) for submission.Margins: 1-inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.Font: Times New Roman, size 12.Line Spacing: 1.5 lines throughout, including references. 2. Paper Structure 1. Title Page: Title of the paper (bold, 16 pt).Author names and affiliations.Corresponding author email.Keywords (3-5 words). 2. Abstract: Maximum 300 words.Should include research objectives, methodology, key findings, and significance. 3. Main Body: Introduction: Define the research problem, objectives, and significance within the context of Islamic finance and sustainability.Literature Review: Summarize existing studies and identify research gaps.Methodology: Detail research design, data collection, and analysis methods.Results and Discussion: Present findings and relate them to the objectives.Conclusion: Summarize insights, limitations, and recommendations for futureresearch. 4. References: Follow APA 7th edition format.Ensure consistency and accuracy in citations. 5. Appendices (if applicable): Include additional data or tools used in the study. 3. Figures and Tables Include clear and well-labeled figures and tables.Number and title each figure/table (e.g., Table 1: Growth in Islamic Financial Assets).Place them in the relevant sections within the text. 4. Submission and Deadline Submit papersDeadline: 28 February 2025